Want more Boneyard Beach? Check out Sheriann + Will’s engagement session.
We have some of Duuuuuval’s finest here. Born and raised in Jacksonville, FL, Tim and Jamie are doing their part to make this town a better place to live. They are raising two handsome little men and are the family behind the Tim Callahan Foundation. Tim was paralyzed from the neck down while playing flag football in 2010. His doctors told him he would never walk again, but Tim and Jamie knew God had bigger plans for him. Three weeks after being told he would live as a functional quadriplegic, Tim took his first steps!! (Whoop Whoop and Hallelujah!)
Tim’s foundation inspires kids through his story of faith and provides young athletes the chance at sports. They host FREE sports camps for boys and girls ages 5-15 and work with Big Brothers Big Sisters of Northeast Florida to gift new sports equipment for young athletes in need. Learn more about Tim’s story here and how YOU can sponsor a kid in our city here. Let’s DuvALL TOGETHER!
I should have known that the owners of Posh Events and Rentals were going to BRING IT! Excuse me while I swoon over these bow ties, velvet tuxedo jackets, flowing chiffon with lace, and the adorable matching plaid waistcoat and trousers. It was a lovely sight to see – and few were able to walk past us without complimenting on how beautiful everyone looked.
We started at Magnolia Avenue to capture the gorgeous tree canopy moments, grabbed some Cuban coffee from the Fountain of Juice and then headed over to Castillo de San Marcos. St. Augustine is a jewel in itself, but it sparkled even brighter with this family strolling down its streets. I hope we all are able to bring a sparkle to the world this year.
it’s not what we have in life, but who we have in our life that matters.
J.M. Laurence
The Roldans are back! And they brought the fiercest, camera-ready babes with them! We met up at Castillo de San Marcos National Monument and had tons of fun running around the fort and balancing on sea walls. This family brings joy and love every time I see them. Roldan Clan: you are a sweet reminder to hold on tighter to those who matter.
dude, where’s the dunes?
Caroline (pretty mama with the GORGEOUS hair) needed an updated family photo that included the 4th Rose. Their last official family photo was taken in San Diego with some dreamy dunes. We couldn’t fly to San Diego (womp womp), so Guana River State Park was chosen. This beach did not disappoint. We got the dunes AND we scored some beautiful weather and golden hues in the sky. I Guana go back.
and then there were three!
The world has another West on the way!! If you don’t know Maria and Kyle, let me introduce you to them here. If you do know them, you will agree that the world needs more of these kind of people. Maria and Kyle having a baby is a win for everyone! : ) I am so excited for the love and joy that is about to fill their hearts. AND I am personally very excited to add another West to the group of people I know and love.
We found a fun place (Cradle Creek Preserve) to capture their beautiful baby bump AND we scored some AMAZING “where did this come from?!” weather. We couldn’t stop commenting on how beautiful it was. Temperatures had been reaching the 90’s every day that week, so to NOT be sweating felt like some kind of supernatural phenomenon. Miracle weather, miracle growing in Maria’s belly… it was a good day to capture this growing family.
Au revoir, West Party of 2! See you next time with your little dude!
A song I heard the ocean sing
A shining light in darkness deep
I prayed a prayer into the tide
And both they soothed me in my sleep
Meet the Grieneisen family! Shelly, the hot mama in red, is one of my sweet friends from UCF who loves jamming out to Phish. She’s a friend you can count on to have a smile on her face with an encouraging spirit. I have had the cool opportunity to see this lady go from being one of my favorite college gals to a super-mom who makes holiday themed shaped pancakes for her littles. : ) Doug, the taller of the two handsome fellas, met Shelly while living in Charlotte, NC. And lucky for us Floridians, Shelly convinced Doug to move to Jacksonville! (hip hip hooray!) He can typically be found out on the golf course, enjoying Florida’s lovely warm weather. As for the two ADORABLE little bundles pictured above and below, they are the energetic and lovable kids that complete this very happy family.
Sometimes the littlest things take up the most room in your heart.
-Winne the Pooh
Erika and Adam received their most awaited gift a couple of days after Christmas and started their New Year as a family of 3. They kept the gender a surprise – and what a gorgeous surprise they received! Little Miss Taylor Hahne is here!
Adam, the proud papa and husband, beamed with pride talking about how strong Erika was during her pregnancy and labor, and he beamed with just as much pride when it was his turn to hold his Taylor. Erika, a beautiful mama with such a calm presence, I would never have guessed she had a baby just days before or that she was a first time mom! I was awestruck at what a wonderful team they made – two new parents seamlessly doing their role, whether it was feeding, changing or hushing their sweet babe. (Adam executed the “Happiest Baby on the Block” soothing techniques like a pro!) These two are ready for their new adventure with their girl – life just got a whole lot sweeter for the Hahne family.
Dear Taylor – The world is your oyster, girlfriend! You couldn’t have chosen a better team of parents to raise you. xoxo
You may hold my hand a moment, but you hold my heart forever.
The Roldan Clan – they’re my kind of people. Wake up before the break of dawn to see a sunrise? “Let’s do it.” Keep your cool and stay smiling while being attacked by sandflies? “Ahhhh!! We can do this!!” Yeah….so that happened. Florida never disappoints when it comes to unpredictable weather and we ended up with a warmer than normal morning. Turns out, the time we were out there (dawn) and the temperature (a very warm 70s) is the PERFECT time to meet the sandfly, also known as no-see-ums or biting midges.
I thought we only had to worry about the humidity or some random rain cloud. To my delight that morning, we had clear skies and humidity low enough that we wouldn’t be dripping sweat. Let’s just say, sandflies were not on any of our radars and we were not prepared. But when this family makes the effort to get to the beach before the sun rises – turning back is not an option. [insert high-five here] Despite our circumstances, we got some adorable images and we survived to tell the tale, along with our diseased-looking legs that had over 100’s (literally, HUNDREDS!!!) of itchy bites on them.
Floridians: waging the war against humidity, rain AND sandflies – all to get a good family picture. The Roldans are one group of Floridians I proudly stand by.
So what happened after these beautiful pictures? How did you cope with the hundreds of bites on your legs? The winning potion was Cortizone-10. And that same day as the attack, I hopped on Amazon to order multiple bottles of BUG SOOTHER spray because #NEVERAGAIN. Highly recommend this spray, it’s made with essential oils, smells amazing and works! Sandflies, bite on something your own undetectable-seeing-size!
Men, good men: We need you. We—mothers, daughters, and sisters—need your help to raise healthy young women. We need every ounce of masculine courage and wit you own, because fathers, more than anyone else, set the course for a daughter’s life. Your daughter needs the best of who you are: your strength, your courage, your intelligence, and your fearlessness. She needs your empathy, assertiveness, and self-confidence. She needs you.
– Meg Meeker, MD excerpt from Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters
I love celebrating this guy, especially on Father’s Day. When we found out we were having a girl, he bought/read Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters. When she was born, she had to be taken to the NICU and he didn’t leave her side. And for selfish reasons, I am a happier mom because of him.
Minus the first Father’s Day when Blythe was an infant intubated in the hospital – blaaaaah!! – we have a tradition to take some pictures of the two of them and then take our man out for some hot wings. Cheers to the baby daddies out there doing their best and making the world a better place. We need you.